After a month's break, Pakistani actress Humaima Malick is back in Mumbai. The reason for the break? Humaima was attending her sister's wedding in Pakistan. She tells us, "I had so much fun and masti recently at my sister Dua's wedding ceremony in Pakistan." Now that she's back, she's busy shooting for her upcoming Bollywood movie 'Raja Natwarlal', which co-stars Emraan H ashmi. She says, "Both Emraan and I love Sufi m usic, and it was lot of fun shooting on the Sufi song, which was shot few days back in Cape Town."
Further, she adds, "I have also invited both Emraan and Kunal Deshmukh to visit Pakistan to promote the movie. Emraan has a huge fan following in Pakistan, and I'm sure people will eagerly wait to welcome him here in Pakistan." She was also recently spotted partying along with her friends from Bollywood at actor Arjun her friends from Bollywood at actor Arjun Kapoor's birthday bash. So, how does it feel to be back in India? Humaima replies, "I have always loved coming to India. It's after a month that I'm back in Mumbai, and I just feel at home."
The only thing that I'm missing here in Mumbai is the rain. Whenever I visit Mumbai around this time, there are heavy showers. Unfortunately, this time Mumbai is very hot aur baarish kam hai.It has been really tough shooting in this hot weath er. However, I am enjoying catching up with all my pals here in Mumbai."
She further adds, "I was really happy and surprised to see some huge hoardings on the Mumbai roads, which displayed posters of some popular Pakistani serial. It is really nice to see that people here in India are getting the opportunity to watch our serials once again. I think entertainment has no boundaries, and it is great news that Pakistani dramas, which have been so popular for many years amongst the Indian audience, are gaining importance back again in India."
So, does she plan to visit Delhi any time soon? The actress replies, "Well I would love to attend the couture week which will be held next month in Delhi.Lets see agar time mile to zaroor Dilli ayungi."
Further, she adds, "I have also invited both Emraan and Kunal Deshmukh to visit Pakistan to promote the movie. Emraan has a huge fan following in Pakistan, and I'm sure people will eagerly wait to welcome him here in Pakistan." She was also recently spotted partying along with her friends from Bollywood at actor Arjun her friends from Bollywood at actor Arjun Kapoor's birthday bash. So, how does it feel to be back in India? Humaima replies, "I have always loved coming to India. It's after a month that I'm back in Mumbai, and I just feel at home."
The only thing that I'm missing here in Mumbai is the rain. Whenever I visit Mumbai around this time, there are heavy showers. Unfortunately, this time Mumbai is very hot aur baarish kam hai.It has been really tough shooting in this hot weath er. However, I am enjoying catching up with all my pals here in Mumbai."
She further adds, "I was really happy and surprised to see some huge hoardings on the Mumbai roads, which displayed posters of some popular Pakistani serial. It is really nice to see that people here in India are getting the opportunity to watch our serials once again. I think entertainment has no boundaries, and it is great news that Pakistani dramas, which have been so popular for many years amongst the Indian audience, are gaining importance back again in India."
So, does she plan to visit Delhi any time soon? The actress replies, "Well I would love to attend the couture week which will be held next month in Delhi.Lets see agar time mile to zaroor Dilli ayungi."
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