Says a source, “The film was expected to release in 2013, but producer Karan Johar apparently delayed it in order to give breathing space to Phata Poster Nikhla Hero. It was then supposed to release in May 2014, but it was once again delayed, after Sajid Nadiadwala requested KJo to make way for the former’s film, Heropanti. Johar has now agreed to his request, so Ungli is now expected to release on November 7.”
But another source says, “Karan saw the film after it was re-edited, and he was not happy with the scenes featuring Sanjay Dutt.”
Karan was unavailable for comment, but director Rensil D’Silva said, “Ungli was postponed because Karan and I were looking for two songs to be recorded and shot. Sanju’s portions are already shot.”
But another source says, “Karan saw the film after it was re-edited, and he was not happy with the scenes featuring Sanjay Dutt.”
Karan was unavailable for comment, but director Rensil D’Silva said, “Ungli was postponed because Karan and I were looking for two songs to be recorded and shot. Sanju’s portions are already shot.”
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