Humaima Malick, Pakistan’s top model and actress, who is all set to debut in Bollywood with ‘Raja Natwarlal’, was in a mischievous mood on the last day of her shoot. So, she decided to play a trick on her co-star Emraan Hashmi and director Kunal Deshmukh. She hatched out a plan with Kunal's first AD who kept telling Kunal and Emraan throughout the day how the actress wasn’t feeling well and how she had even skipped lunch. After Humaima completed her last shot, she started throwing her bangles and just “fainted” on the ground.
Everybody on the set gathered around her and tried to help. Even Kunal and Emraan got paranoid. Finally, Humaima let the cat out of the bag!
Thus, Humaima managed to con Emraan, who plays a con in the flick.
Everybody on the set gathered around her and tried to help. Even Kunal and Emraan got paranoid. Finally, Humaima let the cat out of the bag!
Thus, Humaima managed to con Emraan, who plays a con in the flick.
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