Recurrent rumors Emraan Hashmi is gay has now lead to the actor leaving his closet and public stating that he is a happy gay.
The 35 year old movie star has several times denied that he is gay, but according to rumors Hashmi no longer wants to hide his true identity.
UPDATE 21.04.2014: This story seems to be fake.
Since Hashmi popped out as the new actor in Raaz 3 or Jannat he has been associated with several rumors saying he is gay or that he is going to be the next James Bond or anything else more or less wild gossip claims. Latest the satire site en.mediamass claimed in their death hoax that Emraan Hashmi is dead.
Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are perfect gossip channels for these celeb rumors. When a new rumor hits the social medias it only takes minutes before the news is going viral. This is also the case for the newest Hashmi scandal, and as the free speach channels that fb and twitter are, this will also be the case for the next big celeb scandal, which most likely will just turn out to be just non defacto rumors.
Is Emraan Hashmi gay? Share your thoughts…
The 35 year old movie star has several times denied that he is gay, but according to rumors Hashmi no longer wants to hide his true identity.
UPDATE 21.04.2014: This story seems to be fake.
Since Hashmi popped out as the new actor in Raaz 3 or Jannat he has been associated with several rumors saying he is gay or that he is going to be the next James Bond or anything else more or less wild gossip claims. Latest the satire site en.mediamass claimed in their death hoax that Emraan Hashmi is dead.
Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are perfect gossip channels for these celeb rumors. When a new rumor hits the social medias it only takes minutes before the news is going viral. This is also the case for the newest Hashmi scandal, and as the free speach channels that fb and twitter are, this will also be the case for the next big celeb scandal, which most likely will just turn out to be just non defacto rumors.
Is Emraan Hashmi gay? Share your thoughts…
Yes he's Gay!